Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran - Board Certified Otolaryngologist
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran - Fellowship of Rhinology
Stanford University, Otolaryngology Department, San Francisco, California – Facial Plastic Surgery
American Rhinology Society – Member
Isfahan Otolaryngology Society – Member
Member of Iranian Rhinology Research Society
Best Otolaryngologist in Isfahan City, Iran – 2012 & 2014
Septorhinoplasty – 6000 cases
Speciality Interests:
Rhinoplasty (primary, secondary, and reconstructive)
Facial Reconstructive Surgery
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck problems such as, AOM, COM, sinusitis, allergies, and chronic polyposis
Treatment of severe deviated nose, twisted nose, cleft lip nose, complicated revision cases and reconstruction with auricular or rib cartilage graft and septal perforation.
Brow lift (direct and endoscopic)
Facial fat injection
Facial skin tumor removal and repair with skin flap and graft.
Advanced endoscopic sinus surgeries: Endoscopic DCR, endoscopic CSF leakage repair, endoscopic nasal tumor removal, endoscopic orbital decompression, endoscopic mucormycosis surgery
Endoscopic hypophyseal surgery (as a team work) - Adenoidectomy
Tonsillectomy - UPPP surgery (Uvulo palato pharyngo plasty)